October 30, 2019

Intuition & Balance.

Alicia McKimm is never one to wear only black, a philosophy she exerts in her approach to interior design, providing a concrete base for her creativity to flourish. Alica’s approach to design is the same as her approach to everything in life. She’s fluid, functional, emotional – she doesn’t rely too much on rules or mathematics. She relies on her intuition.

Alicia lets her creative spirit guide her, seeking out bold colours and textures, champions ideas that industry, and above all – practical design that responds to its environment. You see it all over the concepts produced by Golden, the practice Alicia started in 2013 with her partner and fellow interior designer, Kylie Dorotic. It’s the search for harmony and balance that defines everything Alicia does. In her work as a business owner. In her passion for interior design. And most importantly as a mother. 

Alicia’s battle for equilibrium began in high school, when she fell equally in love with mathematics and art. Her creative flair was equally measured against her love of formulas. Structure and ingenuity–interior design was the perfect balance. 

Opening her own practice was a natural transition following study, as her and Swinburne University classmate Kylie Dorotic, found common ground in their approach to design. The dynamic pair had collaborated on projects, recognising strengths in one another.“It’s something that I’ve always wanted to do” Alicia says, “I knew working together [with Kylie] would produce a richer quality of work… It just felt right.” Similar to her love for math and art, Kylie and Alicia’s perspectives were both considered and thoughtful, and different from one another. Yet, when it comes to the pillars of their practice, they found their balance. Alicia and Kylie agreed: offer a unique and personable experience for clients and consultants that’s both approachable and collaborative. And above all, strive to create bespoke interiors with an emphasis on attention to detail, and timelessness. 

Alicia and Kylie approach design with a mindset that understands our consciousness when we enter a space. They effortlessly merge functionality and creativity in order to awaken the senses; practical and calculated decision is combined with creativity. They are less concerned about the design intention of a house than the way you feel when you walk through a room. This makes the work of Golden both considered and intuitive.  They intuitively combine colours, textures and raw materials that resonate with us and contribute to our wellbeing. While they focus fastidiously on design detail, because quality doesn’t age. “Our design approach is unified by a desire to contribute to a better quality of life; enhancing the everyday by responding to our very basic human needs”. 

Alicia’s methodical approach to work and pursuit for balance in life continues outside of her office walls. As the day finishes, she steps out of her role as co-director to fulfil the position of mother to her two beautiful girls. For the record, Alicia has mastered it. “It really is a juggle and I am yet to find the perfect balance, if it exists. It helps me to be organised and plan my week ahead with my husband. I’ve learnt to prioritise and take some time each week to myself”. 

“Our design approach is unified by a desire to contribute to a better quality of life; enhancing the everyday by responding to our very basic human needs”.

Alicia McKimm is never one to wear only black, a philosophy she exerts in her approach to interior design, providing a concrete base for her creativity to flourish.


Words by Ali Johnson